Sunday, March 14, 2010


Wow, it's been a while since I updated this blog. Slacker!

Coming up for my 7th chemo this friday, depending on the results of the ct scan and blood tests. Seeing my oncologist wednesday, I think, tuesday I'm seeing the liver guy.

Had an appointment with my diabetes doctor last week, he upped my night time insulin.

My hair's growing back slowly; it looks a bit scraggily, but it's there.

Friday, November 27, 2009

This can't be happening!

Mum has Accute Myeloid Leukemia; apparently it's a nasty version in the late stages.

She has been given 3-6 months to live.

This sucks; it's bullshit!

I think my brain is going to explode.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Please pray 4 my mum

Mum is in the oncology ward of Royal Brisbane Hospital waiting for diagnosis on what looks like Leukaemia. She was flown down from Bundaberg yesterday.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

1st Chemo and post delay

I had my first chemo 3 weeks ago and as a result of a massive infection at the site of my lymph gland removal I was admitted to hospital for 10 days.

The 1st chemo was a bit of a shamozzle really. I got there on the Thursday and because of a misunderstanding I ended up with 2 appointments, so the crossed Thursday off.
So I Teresa and I waited in the coffee shop for 2 hours waiting for the drugs to be ordered and then delivered.
So eventually I was hooked up and then they realised, towards the end, that a drug was not ordered so I had to come back the next day to finish it off.
I blame no one for the errors, they were all understandable, simple mistakes.

I was fine after the chemo, but the next day my inner thigh was swelling up and eventually a load of pus popped out and the pain and swelling near it stopped. I did nothing about it except dress the wound.
The next day it was worse and I was spiking temperatures as high as 39.5.

Teresa took me to Werribee Mercy and they pumped me full of pain killers and antibiotics. They didn't admit me because of the cancer, so they contacted my oncologist and he arranged to be admitted to Western Private.
An transport ambulance picked me up and took me to WPH.

It was there I found out the infection and some of the chemo drugs had rocketed my blood sugar into orbit and I went from being pre-type 2 diabetic to an full blown insulin dependant type 2.


By this stage my hair was also falling out in clumps.

When I was discharged 10 days later I gave myself a number 0 haircut. looks much better.

2nd chemo went much better, especially with the PICC line ( that was put in while in hospital.

And as of today I feel no side effects from it, except I'm really tired. But I think that is a result of stressing out as to weather anything else like infection or another ailment was going to raise it's ugly head.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Chemo Education

Went to an appointment at Western Private yesterday to learn about the processes and side effects of Chemo. It was a bit scary, butr I left with a truckload of helpfull information.

The staff at the chemo unit were very friendly and informative.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The story so far...

"Cancer!? No bloody way!!!!!!!!!!

In May I was admitted into the Western Private Hospital for Lap Band weight reduction surgery. When I woke from the anaesthetic I was told the procedure had not been done.
The reason? Cirrhosis of the Liver with Portal Hypertension and Oesopraogial Varacies.
Basically, my liver was badly scarred, the Portal Vein had enlarged and Varicose vein like things had grown on the in and out side of my oesophagus.

But, they had also noticed that a Lymph node was enlarged as was my spleen.

They were going to do a biopsy on the Lymph node, but it was in a precarious position and bleeding out was a fear.

After an unremembered amount of blood tests as well as a few CT scans, they found that the lymph node had gotten bigger and they found more in my groin.

So under general anaesthetic again they removed one of the nodes in my groin and the result was in.

Low Grade Follicular Lymphoma.

Chemotherapy here I come. 29th October 2009.